Takedown with Chris Hansen
12 Seasons
Over the past two decades, Chris Hansen's investigations have led to hundreds of would-be sex criminals being stopped in their tracks. Amazingly, after 500 arrests and hundreds of millions of video views, men continue to try to meet children online. So, his mission continues.
Ep. 1 - Takedown with Chris Hansen - Homeland Insecurity
Episode 1
Edmundo is apprehended as part of an investigation in Polk County, Florida.
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Ep. 2 - Aftermath - Juanmiguel & Pejic
Episode 2
Bouns footage and updates to the Juanmiguel and Peter investigations.
Ep. 3 - Takedown - Blount - Desperate David
Episode 3
David's desperate decisions lead him to come face-to-face with Chris Hansen in a Blount County Sting House.
Ep. 4 - Takedown - Blount - Dustin’s Dust-Up!
Episode 4
Chris confronts Dustin during an investigation in Blount County.
Ep. 5 - Takedown - Blount - The Point Blank Predator
Episode 5
John goes from court to a sit down with Chris Hansen in a Blount County Sting operation.
Ep. 6 - Takedown - Blount - Hunter's Trail
Episode 6
Chris interviews Hunter during a Blount County investigation.
Ep. 7 - Takedown - Monroe - Eric Erotica
Episode 7
Chris encounters Eric during a Monroe County investigation.
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Ep. 8 - Takedown - Monroe - Luke's Lust
Episode 8
Luke meets Chris face to face during a Monroe County investigation.
Ep. 9 - Takedown - Monroe - Mark of a Predator
Episode 9
Chris confronts Mark during a Monroe County investigation.
Ep. 10 - Takedown - Genesee - Tony's in trouble... Again!
Episode 10
Chris Hansen continues to confront alleged predators.